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Out of the Shadows, Up to the Mountain with Jesus the Good Shepherd

Series: Sermons

Sarah Stewart
April 25, 2021

If Jesus is God who lays down his life in inexhaustible love, he is also the One who orchestrates its long-term impact. When he says “I have sheep who are not of this fold. I must bring them also” Jesus is speaking the truth: God is the one who grows the flock, not us. No clever tag lines, no strategic priorities, not even the most extraordinary web presence will do it. Only and always through selfless love will Jesus draw the flock to fullness. As his sheep, our task is to surrender, to let God remove every obstacle in us that resists this wildly inclusive love. Sharing in this generative selflessness of Jesus Christ, by which God’s eternal life reveals itself in and through and for the cosmos, indeed will change us and perhaps it may even feel like dying. In the end, it is the only way we are swept into the risen life of the Good Shepherd.

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