Worship is a priority at All Saints'. Through prayer and praise, story and song, we orient our lives towards love of God and neighbor. All our Sunday services center on the sacred meal of bread and wine known as Eucharist, or communion. In it we are nourished by Christ's presence and sent forth to be his hands and feet.
Grounded in ancient tradition and the enduring poetry of The Book of Common Prayer, Episcopal worship is highly participatory and embodied. Through music and movement, art and beauty, we strive to make worship the feast that it is. In essence, we think worship is meant to celebrate the fullness of life, and we've saved you a seat!
People will come from east and west and north and south, and take their places at the feast in the kingdom of God.
- Luke 13:29
634 W Peachtree St NW, Atlanta, GA US 30308 | 404-881-0835 | © 2025 All Saints' Episcopal Church | All Rights Reserved.