A brief presentation about stewardship at All Saints' by canvass co-chairs Diane and...
On a day when we are celebrating the extent and variety of ministries in and of this...
Paul isn't speaking to the individual here. He is speaking to a church, the church in...
"Who do you say that I am?" How do you answer that question?
The youth from the J2A class, part of the Journey to Adulthood youth formation...
When someone else's humanity touches our humanity, we are moved to respond.
Today we say welcome to our candidates for baptism. Welcome to the body of Christ...
What we have here is an outline of the life of Christ and, by extension, an outline...
"I AM CONVINCED, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things...
Paul's concerned that we know that doesn't mean we get to do whatever we want without...
We are created in the image of a great creator, one who plants and tends and love us...
Hear what Jesus says to his followers: "Take my yokeand learn from me." In fact the...