We can hear what Peter could not hear, we hold fast to the words Jesus spoke to Peter...

Christian tradition has long recognized that desires are shaped and often perverted as...

Our opportunity this Lent is, in the midst of a world that would like us to believe we...

We have been beaten up plenty of late. Ash Wednesday and Lent is not here to pile on...

If like Peter, we take what we see at first glance, if we rely on our perfunctory...

When we are moved, with pity, with compassion or with awe, it is not just good, it is...

Evil often is loud and in your face. It wants to look big and permanent. Evil will try...

As we recognize the grace of God, so we are invited to turn toward this new thing, to...

God is always ready to do a new thing when the circumstances call for it, and God has...

The heavens have been torn open and so has the curtain in the Temple. We have been...

Who is your star? Who got you here? The short answer, for many of us, is Jesus. But...