Briley Brisendine
All Saints' Member for more than 16 years
Recent parish activities include:
My wife, Elena Parent, and I began attending All Saints' more than 16 years ago as we were getting married and thinking about a good church home for our family. When our sons, Brooks and Reid, were young, I served on one of the 11: 15 a.m. usher teams for several years. When the boys were a bit older, we began attending the 9:00 a.m. service and I periodically helped Kathy with children's formation. I currently serve on the Building & Grounds Committee. We attend the annual Kanuga retreat and in 2024 co-chaired the Annual Canvass.
Strengths and skills I can offer the vestry:
I believe that I am a good listener and collaborator. In my professional life, I have been an attorney for 27 years. In that role, my my scope of responsibilities has included legal, real estate, risk management, compliance, regulatory, corporate security and safety issues. I have led teams of three to 200 colleagues.
Briley would also like you to know:
Elena and I have been married for 16 years and have two sons, Brooks (14) and Reid (11). Since September of 2015, I have served as the General Counsel of SiteOne Landscape Supply, a NYSE listed wholesale distributor of landscaping products. Prior to this, I was an attorney at The Home Depot for 12 years. I was on the Board of Directors of The Women's Resource Center to End Domestic Violence for nine years, where I served as Board Chair for most of that tenure. I am currently on the Board of Directors of Pro Bono Partnership of Atlanta (coordinating free legal services to other nonprofits), where I also served for a term as Board President.