
Our People

EJ Diedrich

    All Saints' Member since 2005

    Recent parish activities include:

    I am a lector, participate in the flower guild, have been a Sunday morning greeter, and taught Club 45.  I was a member of the All Saints’ vestry from 2015 to 2018, when we transitioned from Geoffrey Hoare to Martha Sterne as interim and the selection of our current rector Simon. I participated and helped lead the All Saints’ Talents Roundtable for five years, helped with the Annual Canvass, and taught the Little Saints. I have enjoyed meeting more people in our parish through the St. Catherine’s group and Kanuga.

    Strengths and skills I can offer the vestry:

    I have a solid understanding of how All Saints’ operates; through the All Saints’ Talents Roundtable and my previous vestry tenure. In my professional life, I have worked as a Director in Sales, training, and Reimbursement for large corporations. I have a strong talent for helping to lead and bring differing opinions to a place of unified decision.

    EJ would also like you to know:

    I am a lifelong Episcopalian and love our community here at All Saints’. My husband, Mark, and I have two teenage sons, Carlton and Harrison, who have grown up at All Saints’. We are so thankful for our friendships within this amazing parish. I hope for all who are here to feel welcome and bring that openness and love to our wider Atlanta community through our core ministries.

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