
Our People

Ellen Porter

    All Saints’ member since 1994

    Recent parish activities include:

    I have been very active in our various worship ministries, currently serving as a Eucharistic Minister, Usher, and Verger. I have served on the Advisory Council for Covenant Community for many years. I am wrapping up my last year of EfM. I recently joined the Strategic Planning Committee for our Worship Ministry as well as the Invite Committee. Over the years, I have enjoyed fellowship through programs and activities offered at All Saints’, including DOCC, EfM, GIFT, Novel Theology, Popcorn Theology, Foyer Groups, GALAS, Women’s Retreats, and Kanuga.

    Strengths and skills I can offer the vestry:
    The practical knowledge I acquired in real estate finance should prove useful in a variety of areas, but my greatest strength is my passion and desire to serve and to give back to a community that has given me so much. I have learned since coming to All Saints’ that one’s faith does not fully blossom until it is offered up and shared in a community. It is important for us as a community to share with each other our experiences (common and varied), our strengths and our weaknesses, our hope and our courage so that together, we may lift each other up in bad times, celebrate in good times, and, with God’s grace, “share in the gift of joy and wonder in all [God’s] works”. These are exciting times with Simon’s arrival. I am energized and ready to roll up my sleeves to work beside all of you!

    Ellen would also like you to know:

    I have been happily married to my wife, Ann Stuart Pearce, for almost 13 years. While we have no children of our own, our lives have been blessed with three nieces, one nephew, and six godchildren. Retired since 2014, I enjoy golf, tennis, yoga, reading, and bridge. My primary community interests include support for those suffering from homelessness, addiction, and social injustices.

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