
Our People

Bert Clark

    All Saints’ member since 1985

    I’ve been very fortunate to have many opportunities to serve (and grow) at All Saints’ since joining in 1985. I’ve served as a lector, taught several Sunday School classes, served on a couple of clergy search and planning committees, served previously on the vestry, and currently chair a committee seeking to increase our planned giving. Cathy and I just recently returned from the All Saints’ pilgrimage to Israel and Jordan, an amazing trip that was one of the most impactful spiritual experiences of my life.

    Strengths and skills I will bring to the vestry:

    I have a strong interest in strategic, long-term planning, as well as the fundraising that is necessary to make those strategies come to fruition. I have served on the boards of several institutions, including the Woodruff Arts Center, the High Museum of Art, and my alma mater Berry College; I also recently joined the board of the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta. My work as a financial advisor provides the opportunity to apply that same long-range outlook to my clients’ financial and estate planning. I look forward to serving on the vestry during this exciting period of All Saints’ history.

    Bert would also like you to know:

    My family is my greatest treasure! Cathy and I were married at All Saints’ and we have three children: Ben (25), works for a non-profit in Tucson, Arizona; Matthew (23), is a financial advisor in Atlanta; and Julia (19) is a freshman at NYU. All of our children were baptized and confirmed here, and participated in the choir, pilgrimage, and other activities. I enjoy any activity that gets me outdoors, especially golf.

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