Marcia Mayfield
Director of Parish Events & Threads Clothing
Marcia Mayfield was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Growing up as a pastor’s daughter, her love for God and serving people started rather early. At the age of 13, after seeing children left home alone with nothing to do in the summer she started a children's choir camp that served more than children.
Over the years she has volunteered at shelters, food pantries, soup kitchen, schools and churches all for the purpose of bringing hope and dignity to those served. In 2020 Marcia decided to leave her position in the histology lab of a major hospital to work full-time at First Presbyterian Church of York Pennsylvania.
She later served as the director of the Caring Ministry. One of the programs she developed during her time there was a children’s clothing store. Now, Marcia serves as the coordinator of Threads, dedicated to providing children in need with quality clothing, as well as supporting All Saints' as the Director of Parish Events.