Our Leadership Structure
A Parish in the Diocese of Atlanta
The organizational and leadership structure of our denomination is connectional in nature, and we value relationships with Christians near and far. As part of The Episcopal Church, All Saints' is belongs to a regional body of churches known a diocese. Rather than operating as a standalone congregation, All Saints' is considered a parish of the Diocese of Atlanta. We are overseen by our bishop, The Right Reverend Robert C. Wright, who serves as chief pastor of the diocese.
In the day-to-day life and ministry of our community, we are led by our rector, the Rev. Dr. Simon J. Mainwaring, who serves as the lead pastor and priest of the parish, overseeing our team of associate rectors and other assisting clergy. While our clergy are very glad for you to call them by their first names, many of our members (especially children) choose to call them by "Reverend," "Pastor," or even "Father"/"Mother," depending on what is familiar or customary. Any of these are acceptable. Whatever is most comfortable for you, our clergy look forward to getting to know you better!
Lay Leaders
The rector serves alongside our elected lay leadership board called the vestry. This body governs the business affairs of the parish and strives to model Christian leadership through the giving of time, talent, and treasure in service of the church. Led by the wardens (chairs) and other executive officers, the vestry represents the congregation in every area of decision-making and welcomes ideas and feedback at any time.
Ministry of the Baptized
We believe that all baptized Christians are given gifts for ministry and empowered by the Holy Spirit to serve the church and glorify God. We encourage you to take advantage of opportunities to regularly serve with us.
Feel Called to more?
If you feel a pull towards deepened ministry in the church — whether lay or ordained — and aren't sure the next steps, we welcome you to be in touch. One of our staff and clergy would be glad to talk with you. We are thrilled to explore with you where God may be calling!