
March 09, 2022

E-Care is an email-based ministry of prayer. E-Care members receive periodic email messages containing requests for prayer for those experiencing illness, grief, joy, or other life events.

Those who subscribe to E-Care receive about three email messages a week containing requests for prayer from or on behalf of parishioners. Subscribers need only pray in response to messages. To subscribe to E-Care, please send an email to the following email address with "subscribe" in the subject line: 


Prayer requests are managed through the clergy and church office with lay operators taking turns managing messages a month at a time. E-Care operators also request volunteers to deliver E-Meals to persons identified through the E-Care Ministry.

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Video Transcript:

Hi, I'm Ann Stuart Pearce. Here at All Saints, praying for one another is foundational. We pray together during church and we pray privately at home. In addition, we use E-Care, an email-based prayer ministry, to pray for parishioners and others who are ill, have died, have a new baby, or have experienced another significant life event.

First, our clergy determine if a parishioner would like to be prayed for. If the answer is yes, an email message is sent to about 230 parishioners and staff, requesting their prayers. If you subscribe to E-Care, your only role is to offer prayers of intercession or thanksgiving. On average, subscribers receive about two messages a week.

E-Care is a powerful way for us to support each other in the parish family. If you would like to be a part of the E-Care network, click on the link or call the church office.

I have found that regularly receiving E-Care emails helps me hold parishioners in my heart with intention. It's also comforting to know that when I have been in need, my parish family is lifting me up. I encourage you to join us on E-Care.

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