Friday E-News | November 24, 2023

by Simon Mainwaring on November 24, 2023

Dear saints,

This week I had the opportunity to return to San Diego where my family and I spent seven happy years living in a rectory a few blocks from the beach. We spent the morning touring a couple of colleges and later took the time that afternoon to visit some old haunts.

We lingered outside our old home, ate ice cream at Mr. Frosty’s, and took off our shoes and pressed our toes into the sand by the ocean. All of a sudden we remembered. Birthday parties for the kids on the beach. Surfing lessons. Searching for crabs in rock pools. Watching the sun sink into the Pacific. And I felt a deep swell of thankfulness. 

It’s good to remember what we’re thankful for, perhaps especially for things we have forgotten about. Gratitude shapes the heart. It helps us become formed such that we may receive new gifts in the lives of others more readily. This Thanksgiving week, I pray that you know a deep sense of thankfulness for all that God has gifted you.


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