Dear saints,
In the life of a church of the size of All Saints' the staff creates a village within the village. They are to me a remarkably dedicated and talented group of human beings. Some of us navigated a pandemic together, and all of us share a life of daily service to the church that enriches our individual lives immeasurably. Along with all of that, we like each other. The staff of this parish are a fun group. We care for one another and about each other.
I share all of that by ways of context to the fact that this time of year is seeing a fair amount of comings and goings.
As we have known for a while, Ellen Hayes retires at the end of the year, and this week we welcomed to the staff her successor in the role of Director of Stewardship and Development, Julie Lockhart. Please do save the date for Ellen's farewell in Ellis Hall, 10:20 a.m. on Sunday December 22. Of course, this is not goodbye to Ellen as a parishioner, and we expect to see Ellen's smiling face around the block and in the pews—just don't ask her about your pledge!
This week, we are also saying goodbye on our staff to Annette Sullivan, and as a parishioner too, we are glad that we will still have Annette and her girls in the life of this church. I am very grateful for all that Annette has offered to All Saints' in her role as Parish Life Director. From the wonderful Back to the Block party in August to our most recent Taste of All Saints’, Annette has cared for us all in so many ways.
As we shared last week, Andi Dixon is leaving the staff in mid-December as Director of Communications, and if you have loved our social media posts, monitor graphics, website updates, e-news messages or any number of other communication projects that Andi has had her hand in, please do thank her next time you see her on the block.
Finally, our Assistant Facilities Manager, Zach Thomas, is also leaving the staff mid-next month to take up a job in the oil industry. Zach has done a tremendous job alongside our Facilities Manager, Jeff Couch, in keeping up with all sorts of improvements and fixes across the campus. Facilities can so often be a thankless task, so on behalf of a grateful parish, thank you Zach!
To state the clear and obvious—there's a lot of transition around us right now.
The other side of the departures coin is arrivals. As I head off this weekend on vacation for a Thanksgiving break and reflect on what I am thankful for, I bring to mind the outstanding staff who have come into our midst this year: Scott Lamlein, Emily Halbert and most recently Julie Lockhart. After Thanksgiving, I expect to be able to share news about a superb new Communications Director too. I am so thoroughly grateful for each of them and for all that they will bring to this church on the road ahead.
"There is a time for everything," says Ecclesiastes. I pray that with all that may be changing in your own life—at work or at home—you may know ever deeper the One who is changeless.
With thanksgiving for each of you.