Dear saints,
Earlier this week, I visited with Sug and Pat Patton at Canterbury Court, and they had some stories to tell! Did you know that they met in first grade Sunday school class at All Saints’ and that Sug’s mom was the teacher? They’re coming up on a 70th wedding anniversary next year and this parish has been their rock through the highs and lows of life. They were so clear about that. You—the saints of this parish—have been their Christian community for decades, and they have been part of yours. What a rare and beautiful thing these days—to be part of a community that will journey together, come what may.
To share in the “Apostles’ teaching and fellowship, the breaking of the bread, and the prayers” is the tried and true model for the body of Christ (Acts 2:42). It is a gift to share these practices in person when we can, but my visit to Sug and Pat reminded me of how meaningful it is for folks to worship God with us online. We may not see them in the building on Sunday, but rest assured, they have pulled up a chair to the office computer, coffee in hand and they’re singing and praying with the saints on the block. While some folks may be traveling, others may find it hard to get to church as they age, and others may have caretaking duties at home, our community continues to pray together in person and online.
If you’re one of the saints worshipping from home, please know that you remain central to our parish family. We are working on ways to include you more fully in formation and worship, and we’re always keen to hear your suggestions. For example, this Sunday we begin Stump the Organist, our summer tradition of calling out favorite hymns during the prelude. So at 9:50 a.m. on Sundays, feel free to request a hymn in the Facebook or YouTube comments of our 10:00 a.m. worship service live stream. If you have suggestions that would help you participate more fully, let us know. We’d love to hear from you!
Thanks be to God for the love and fellowship that this community has shared for 120 years. There is, indeed, a sweet, sweet Spirit in this place.