Dear saints,
It is a great delight to be able to announce that Scott Lamlein will be joining us in May as our new Director of Music. Scott comes to All Saints' with years of extensive experience as a music maker and leader.
He currently serves as Director of Music at St. John's Episcopal Church, West Hartford CT (www.sjparish.net), where he has built choirs for all ages and has been very successful in growing community partnerships, especially through a nonprofit he helped to form called Music at the Red Door which has funded concert performances and music camps at St. John's (www.reddoormusic.org).
Scott also brings a keen appreciation of our love of both the Anglican choral tradition and a diverse repertoire of other music at All Saints'. Scott's wife, Mary Beth, and the youngest of their grown children, Andrew, will move down to Atlanta in May and join our staff in the second half of that month.
Here's a word of introduction from Scott himself:
The success of our search would not have been possible without the extraordinary efforts of our parish search committee: Katherine Brokaw (chair), Charlie Boyd, Lisa Gomez, Barbara Hammond, Alvin Moore, Holly Stevens, Frank Timmerman and Julie Wilson. I am deeply grateful for all they have given to the parish through the course of the past several months.
Please do join me in praying for Scott, Mary Beth and Andrew as they bid farewell to New England and prepare for the exciting new chapter of life that awaits them among us.