Dear saints,
We celebrate God’s love for the queer community with Pride!
One way Christians can embody Christ’s love for the world right now is to articulate a Biblical and theological framework for this claim: God loves you, just as you are, and so do we. This is a truth All Saints’ has lived for decades, it arises from our deep sojourn with Scripture, reason and tradition, and it is our time to proclaim it with joy.
First, God celebrates the splendid diversity of creation. In Genesis 1, we take a seven-day nature hike through creation. God celebrates all that God has made at the end of each day (including the fabulous diversity of humankind), and God “calls it good.” God loves you, just as you are, and so do we.
Second, Bishop Michael Curry says it well, “If it’s not about love, it’s not about God.” In "What the Bible Says—and Doesn’t Say—About Homosexuality," Bible scholar Mel White explores the seven texts that discuss same-gender relations in the Bible. He provides detailed context and concludes, based on the text, that these passages do not address mutual, consensual, loving queer relationships as we know them today. The texts are critiquing unjust power dynamics, among other things. The most important thing to know about the Bible is that we follow Jesus and his way of love, that God’s preferred and promised future for the world is defined by just compassion for all and that the Holy Spirit has a role for you and for me in this transformative work.
Third, our prophetic tradition invites us to speak about justice, which is the public embodiment of love. Many queer folk have been wounded by the Church—some so grievously that they can’t comprehend attending. Some even question why anyone would associate with the institution. But the religion of Jesus, as Howard Thurman describes it, is principally concerned with those “with their backs against the wall.” May we be a proud and joyful voice in the public square, proclaiming God’s love for all creation.
If someone in your life needs to hear this simple truth, please be empowered to reach out to them. Let us joyfully proclaim: God loves you, just as you are, and so do we!
Thanks be to God.
