Friday E-News | August 6, 2021

by Simon Mainwaring on August 06, 2021

Dear saints,

This Sunday, August 8, we will make our latest adjustment to our life as a church adapting as we have throughout these past sixteen months to life in a pandemic. In the church at services at 8:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 11:15 a.m., and 5:30 p.m., we will all wear masks but otherwise be back to normal with no social distancing. In other words, go find your old pew or chapel chair again and get reacquainted! At 9:00 a.m., we will also hold a service in Ellis Hall that will have three feet of social distancing in addition to masks. Registration will not be required for any of these services. It is indeed a change that can easily feel like a backward step, as indeed does the news these past several days of a rapidly spreading variant and filling hospitals. Yet, our small sacrifice of mask-wearing and whatever we might be able to do to encourage those eligible to receive the vaccine are significant contributions we can make to the life we share with our fellow Georgians. Never before in living memory have we been taught a lesson about quite how much we belong to one another bodies as one body in Christ, the one whose body is bread for all people. We will make our way through this together. Keep the faith.



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