Friday E-News | August 20, 2021

by Simon Mainwaring on August 20, 2021

Dear saints,

I am sure that like me you have looked on with concern and sorrow at the images of desperation in Afghanistan and Haiti this week. The situations in both of those countries offer a reminder to us of the infinite value of life, and how precarious that gift can be for some. To have a community like All Saints’ in my own life helps me to see that as dark and difficult the world can look at times, human beings also possess an extraordinary capacity for good. As I have prepared for the forum I will lead in Ellis Hall on Sunday after the 9:00 a.m. service, I have been able to call to mind just how deeply this parish community chooses to be the difference we wish to see in the world. It can seem like a small contribution to the trials of life that others endure, but when teenagers from our community choose to reach out to tutor kids online, or when men in recovery are accompanied on their road to wellness by people otherwise they might never have got to know, the light of Christ shines just that little bit brighter. I do hope you’ll join me this Sunday in giving thanks for our life together, and hold all that we do and are in prayer, with hope, that the One who calls is faithful, and will accomplish through us far more than we could ever do alone.



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