Friday E-News | April 21, 2023

by Simon Mainwaring on April 21, 2023

Dear saints,

Among the many privileges I have as rector here, one is to teach a class where I get to share what I believe is at the heart of All Saints' with people who are discovering our church community for the first time. For those of you who've been here a minute, you'll know that there is a lot to describe - a lot that is truly good and indeed a force for good in the world we live in. One of the hallmarks of this parish that I find myself returning to in teaching the class is grace. This is a place that has room for people, just as they are. I have seen people make their way back to this church after many years away and be received as if they had just stepped across the road to the Varsity for a quick bite to eat. Grace is not something you can put into a strategic plan. It is not something you can teach people to practice. It is a gift of the Holy Spirit, and All Saints' has that gift. There's room for all of us here, and then some, and doesn't the world truly need more places like that? 

I share all of this because below this note is a brief word from our beloved Senior Associate Rector, Andy Barnett, about his marriage. It's not an easy note to write and I have witnessed Andy this week share this news with vestry and staff with elegance and humility and honesty. That in itself has been a gift of grace. I know that you will receive Andy and his news with that same gift of grace returned. As much as his news is of sadness, he is in the right place and with the right people to share it. He's with you.

Keep the faith. There's much more room before the throne of grace than any of us will ever merit or understand. 



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