Viewing: Sermons

Sermon by the Rev. Natosha Reid Rice for Ash Wednesday, February 17, 2021.

"I wish to speak to you about loneliness. The CDC reports that when you’re socially...

"This vision of God’s abundance, especially in this time of pandemic, is spilling out...

"I think it fair to say that these days are challenging our ability to hope, but we...

"Let us continue to trust that God’s love can change any heart, break down any...

"We need those who are willing to confront this bankrupt world with the gold of the...

"We need to hear the stories from the darkness of this country’s past. For without...

"Resolutions have to do with how we can be better and do better. Today I want to leave...

“If you find yourself in a dark place today, this word is for you. I’ve come to let...

"The story of Christmas is not a story of our self-sufficiency, not as individuals nor...

"Mary says yes to God’s plan, but she is not meek and she is not mild. Far from it...