January 02, 2011The Rev. Noelle York-Simmons | The Second Sunday after Christmas | 2011We three kings of Orient are bearing gifts we traverse afar
December 19, 2010The Rev. Geoffrey M. St.J. Hoare | The Fourth Sunday in Advent | 2010So what is the will of God? And how do we discern it? And what difference does it make...
December 12, 2010The Rev. Geoffrey M. St.J. Hoare | The Third Sunday in Advent | 2010Hidden expectations
December 07, 2010Advent 2010 - Down to the River to Pray | 2010Down to the River to Pray (arr. Page) from the CD "Every Voice in Concert Ring" The...
December 07, 2010Advent 2010 - Come, come, Emmanuel | 2010Come, Come, Emmanuel (Bailey/Mayo) From the CD "Singin' the Good News" All Saints...
December 05, 2010The Rev. Geoffrey M. St.J. Hoare | The Second Sunday in Advent | 2010Today we hear John the Baptist trumpeting his call for repentance "for the kingdom of...
November 28, 2010The Rev. Geoffrey M. St.J. Hoare | The First Sunday in Advent | 2010Coming to terms with "God is God, and we are not" means sorting out where and when we...
November 25, 2010The Rev. Elizabeth Shows Caffey | Thanksgiving Day | 2010God's abundant love feeds us all