All ChurchMusic
Holy Saturday Easter Vigil in Piedmont Park
Saturday, April 16 at 6:00 p.m. at the Clara Meer Dock
Join us for an outdoor service of darkness and light, which includes the first "Alleluias" of the season and the lighting of the new Easter fire.
Important notes:
- Please bring a lawn chair or something to sit on (if you are able); we will have extras for those who cannot bring one.
- You are invited to bring a dessert or non-alcoholic beverage to share after the service (example: cookies and milk).
- We will validate parking in the Botanical Gardens parking lot (accessed off Piedmont, called the "Sage Lot"). Paid parking is available in the Azure apartment building, 1020 Piedmont Ave NE, Atlanta GA, 30309)
- The service will end well before dark, to ensure that attendees can exit the park before dark. All Saints' security will be on site during the worship service, and for 30 minutes afterwards.
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