Walking the Way of the Cross in Midtown Atlanta
Friday, 4/15/22 at 1:30pm

Friday, 4/15/22 at 1:30pm
All Church
Join community members from All Saints' Episcopal Church, Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, and St. Mark Methodist Church as we reflect upon Jesus’ journey to the cross during his final earthly days while considering contemporary sorrows carried by many in Atlanta.
Participants will walk familiar streets in Midtown as we engage the wonder and heartbreak of all who suffer in our city, hidden in plain sight. This experiential stations experience will invite us to grapple with the divine gift of grace, transforming every evil endured by the many crucified peoples of our world, even as we pray for strength to work for the reign of Christ's justice and peace.
Questions? Contact the Rev. Sarah Stewart at sstewart@allsaintsatlanta.org.
634 W Peachtree St NW, Atlanta, GA US 30308 | 404-881-0835 | © 2025 All Saints' Episcopal Church | All Rights Reserved.