"We The People"
Sunday, 10/31/21 at 10:20am

Sunday, 10/31/21 at 10:20am
Notwithstanding the Constitution being established for the Common Good of our society, we have focused on individual rights as being sacrosanct, to the detriment of our collective obligation to our common good. This is not entirely through failure of altruism, but due to systemic tensions implicit in the original drafting and ratification of the constitution itself. During this class, we will revisit our truthful history and promote dialogue as to how “We The People” can secure the “Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity” by a resurrection of commitment to the Common Good — while upholding our cherished individual rights.
About the Instructor:
Buddy Parker, a member of All Saints', has been practicing law in the criminal justice arena for over 45 years, including 19 as a Federal prosecutor in Washington and Atlanta. Earlier, he served as a page in the U. S. House of Representatives. Recently, he and others have been working with Cynthia Bourgeault looking vigilantly at the U. S. Constitution, as amended, and its interpretive legacy from the perspective of conscious evolution and constitutional rights, focusing on the words “justice”, “liberty”, “happiness” and “virtue”.
Click here to read a recent paper that Buddy has published on these topics.
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