Announcements and Calendar Requests
If you would like to submit a request for an announcement about an event or ministry to be made in the Friday E-News, Sunday bulletin, or on the parish calendar, please contact one of the appropriate staff members as follows:
Andy Barnett:
(worship ministries, pastoral care, newcomers, young adults, welcome team)
Emily Halbert:
(children and youth music)
Julie Lockhart:
(stewardship and development, free to be saints)
Scott Lamlein:
(adult music, concerts)
Louisa Merchant:
(refugee ministries)
Marcia Mayfield:
(threads, parish life events, Wednesdays at All Saints’, Kanuga)
Jenny McBride:
(adult formation - Sunday and Wednesday forums and classes, faith and justice collective, Covenant Community, MAC, novel theology, women’s chapters)
Luke Nolfa:
(youth ministry)
Kathy Roberts:
(children’s ministry)
Announcements typically run for three weeks. Should you wish to edit a submitted announcement, please contact one of the above staff members whom you originally submitted the announcement to.
Please be advised that we do not publish announcements from organizations outside of the All Saints’ community.