Friday E-News | November 3, 2023

by Simon Mainwaring on November 03, 2023

Dear saints,

This Sunday, we will mark 120 All Saints Days in the life of this parish. In a world of rapid change and uncertainty for so many, it is a gift to belong to a community that has endured. Yet we have more than endured. This is more than the celebration of something preserved. This weekend is a time of thanksgiving for the life of this faithful community that continues to experience renewal. 

How fitting it is that we should celebrate that on the feast of All Saints. For this is the day in the life of the church when we name all those whose lives have illumined our own, those near and dear to us whose losses we feel intimately, and those from across the world and down the centuries. For the renewal of our particular corner of God's kingdom on West Peachtree and North Avenue is part of the renewal of the whole church and of creation, which God's love continues to make new. 

I invite you to take your place at the table this Sunday. There will be glorious music, a festival of flowers, and a wonderful celebration of fine food and even better company in Ellis Hall between the services. Come because this is a party you won't want to miss. But come also, because your presence around our table matters. 

Only God knows what All Saints' Atlanta will be like 120 more All Saints Days from now. What we do know is that in a world so readily riven by enmity and despair, the decades ahead will need fellowships like ours to hold onto the hope that God's love sets before us. We invite you to help us keep taking steps forward in faith!


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