Friday E-News | March 3, 2023

by Simon Mainwaring on March 03, 2023

Dear saints,

During the month of February, an intrepid team of All Saints' parishioners set out to interview a sampling of folks about their spiritual lives from among the general public in Midtown. Understandably, there was some apprehension about having that sort of conversation, certainly beyond the confines of church grounds. Yet, they did, and the result has been a wonderful array of rich and mutually fulfilling conversations. We will share details of what we learned from our neighbors at a forum in Ellis Hall this Sunday along with some fascinating insights Midtown Alliance have recently named in their study of public life in our part of the city. One of the questions we asked was what Midtown is looking for from a faith community. Those answers were worth the price of admission. I'll share just one, that speaks to what we seek to be as one of Midtown's faith communities: 'A welcoming to all environment. Truly welcoming to all...including conservative, liberal, gay, straight, a mix of races...all'. I know a church that strives to look like that. Thanks be to God for all the sorts of saints we are. 

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