Friday E-News | July 8, 2022

by Simon Mainwaring on July 08, 2022

Dear saints,
What do you believe about the Holy Spirit's proclivity for opening doors in our lives? Perhaps for you it is a daily occurrence. Or maybe you are more circumspect about such things. Over the years, I have come to have a kind of curiosity about what God might be up to in my life and in the lives of the people around me. As our United Church of Christ siblings like to say, 'God is still speaking', and, I might add, still nudging, and prompting, and suggesting, and opening up new relationships and possibilities. It is into such a holy opening that All Saints' is now invited to enter as the Rev. Naomi Tutu joins All Saints' this Sunday as a new, part-time priest associate. Naomi will be with us until Christmas, preaching and teaching and leading worship. She brings to us decades of experience in the church and in the academy, and even more a wisdom and joy that personally I have found to be food for the soul. I look forward to all the ways that Naomi will keep us alive to the movements of the Spirit in this place and for how we will grow as a community because of her ministry among us. 

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