Friday E-News | August 27, 2021

by Simon Mainwaring on August 27, 2021

Dear saints,

Back to the block, back to school, and back together again — all signs that we are endeavoring to recover the way of life that we had cherished prior to this pandemic. It has been wonderful to see so many of you at church these past two Sundays and I hope you can join us this coming Sunday as we welcome Dr. Lisa Herring, Superintendent of Atlanta Public Schools at the ‘Faith in the City’ forum in Ellis Hall following the 9:00 a.m. service. She will be joined by Ann Fowler from Emmaus House and our own Russ Hardin in his capacity as President of the Woodruff Foundation. They’ll be talking about a vision for K-12 education in our city and beyond that has room for all children to thrive. We are blessed to be able to learn from such leaders in our city and to see more of the life God calls all of us to in building God’s kingdom of justice and peace. Let us pray for that and for all those whose lives inspire and uplift the lives of the young.



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