Friday E-News | April 22, 2022

by Simon Mainwaring on April 22, 2022

Dear saints,

Happy Easter! This past Sunday, it is fair and reasonable to say, was a lot. A lot of preaching and praying and singing and sitting and standing. A lot of God, I hear my atheist brother say this time of year, with wary concern. Perhaps that is fair enough. The feast of the resurrection, that great story of Jesus rising from the dead that we get to proclaim on Easter Day, is indeed a lot of God, so much so that we keep on repeating the story year after year, looking for another window into this unfathomable mystery. The beauty of the church, though, is that not only do we get a full fifty days to plumb the depths of such a love as God's, we get every life that chooses to dwell with other lives in churches like ours. So come and dwell with one another here this Easter season. Be a living witness to the resurrection life. There's always more of God to go around than we could ever need.



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