Friday E-News | April 2, 2021

by Simon Mainwaring on April 02, 2021

Dear saints,

Greetings to you this Good Friday as we enter into the fulcrum of our faith, from the sorrow of this day to the glorious new life of Easter Sunday. Looking for new life out of times of challenge and sorrow is very much the church’s modus operandi. What a gift the story of our faith is in these times we are living in. In it we have the opening to see ourselves, our hopes and fears spoken back to us by the God who is still making all things new. May the rich array of worship this parish is offering to saints near and far this weekend be a blessing for your own search for new life. For we are an Easter people, and nothing in all creation can separate us from the love of God that calls us onward and promises to make us whole.

The warmest of blessings to you and your loved ones this Eastertide.



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