Maundy Thursday Agape Supper and Foot Washing
Thursday, 4/14/22 at 6:00pm

Thursday, 4/14/22 at 6:00pm
AdultsAll ChurchOutdoor WorshipWorshipYoung AdultsYouth Ministry
Join us for an interactive Maundy Thursday experience, modeled on the Agape feast that Jesus shared with his friends the night before he took up his cross. Eucharist and foot washing, two practices by which Jesus demonstrated love, will feature in this simple potluck meal and worship service, celebrating the leadership and learnings of youth from the Baking Through the Bible series and Confirmation classes.
Please register by April 10 and select a potluck dish to share (bring enough to feed 5-6 persons).
Anyone who registers after April 10 is still welcome to come and is asked to contribute to the meal, based on alphabetization by last name:
After the meal, please feel free to join us in the church for our Maundy Thursday Holy Eucharist and Stripping of the Altar (begins at 7:30 p.m.).
Questions? Contact the Rev. Sarah Stewart at
634 W Peachtree St NW, Atlanta, GA US 30308 | 404-881-0835 | © 2025 All Saints' Episcopal Church | All Rights Reserved.