Friday E-News | May 24, 2024

by Simon Mainwaring on May 24, 2024

Dear saints,

This time in the church's year there is a change of lay leadership in the life of our parish. At the vestry meeting that followed our annual parish meeting, six new vestry members were welcomed onto that leadership body: Amelia Baker, Elizabeth Klump, Anne Henn, Charlie Boyd, Briley Brisendine and Bill Sullivan.

Also at that meeting, the vestry voted in the following as office holders on the executive committee of the vestry: Jack Norton as Senior Warden, Kate Stradtman as Junior Warden and Ross Nicholas as Clerk. Sheldon Taylor continues as Treasurer. Talk about a talented group! In fact, "a talented group" is a great description of the whole vestry. 

Talent, however, only takes you so far and in my experience of lay leadership at All Saints' over the years there is so much more than a very deep pool of talent in this place. Thorough commitment, faithfulness and an ability to laugh at themselves and with others are all qualities that make lay leadership here such a gift to myself and to the other staff. The other quality I'd name is openness—to new possibilities and to new people. The vestry and committees and other leadership bodies at All Saints' are communities within our community with open circles. If you imagine that one day you might be among the lay leaders of this parish, it is probably because you will be. This is a church where we want you to get involved and we will be richer for your leadership here when you do. 

Thank you to each of you who offer the best of yourselves to our life together. The church is such a wonderful entity in our lives because all of it is gift, much as God's grace is gift for all people. 

With deep thanksgiving for you all,


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