In addition to our four core ministries, we continue our legacy of working for justice and peace for all people in Atlanta and across the world by partnering with and supporting the following organizations:
The Absalom Jones Center for Racial Healing
All Saints' is a sustaining partner of The Absalom Jones Center for Racial Healing, the Episcopal Church's national center for racial healing through education, informed action, pilgrimage, and dialogue.
Canterbury Court
Canterbury Court is a continuing care retirement community located Atlanta’s Brookhaven neighborhood that was co-founded by All Saints’. Many members of All Saints’ are residents, and our clergy lead midweek worship services there every other month.
Lake Tanganyika Theological College
Lake Tanganyika Theological College is a seminary in the Anglican Diocese of Western Tanganyika, Tanzania. All Saints' has their work in a variety of ways over the years, including offering guidance and financial support to advance women’s education and HIV/AIDS care.
Meals on Wheels
Meals on Wheels Atlanta supports seniors struggling with poverty, food insecurity, and social isolation by providing home-delivered meals, home repair services, and a food pantry for both seniors and their pets.
Respite Care Atlanta (RCA)
Respite Care Atlanta is a multi-faith sponsored respite care program serving families in our community. Their mission is to provide spiritually integrated respite care for adults with cognitive challenges and support their primary caregivers through free time, information and community resources.
United Thank Offering (UTO)
The United Thank Offering is a ministry of The Episcopal Church for the mission of the whole church. UTO invites everyone to practice a daily discipline of gratitude by noticing the good things that happen each day, giving thanks to God for them, and making an offering for each blessing using a UTO Blue Box. UTO distributes 100% of what is collected to support innovative mission and ministry by Episcopalians and friends across the globe.